Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity:
Topic Modeling for Analyzing M&As
ZHAN SHI, Arizona State University
GENE MOO LEE, The University of Texas at Austin
ANDREW B. WHINSTON, The University of Texas at Austin
In this article, we propose a new measure of firms’ dyadic business proximity. Specifically, we analyze the
unstructured texts that describe firms’ businesses using the natural language processing technique of topic
modeling, and develop a novel business proximity measure based on the output. When compared with the
existent methods, our approach provides finer granularity on quantifying firms’ similarity in the spaces of
product, market, and technology. We then show our measure’s effectiveness through an empirical analysis
using a unique dataset of recent mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. high technology industry. Building
upon the literature, our model relates the likelihood of matching of two firms in a merger or acquisition
transaction to their business proximity and other characteristics. We particularly employ a class of sta-
tistical network analysis methods called exponential random graph models to accommodate the relational
nature of the data.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sciences]: Economics
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Business proximity; mergers and acquisitions; business analytics; topic
modeling; exponential random graph models
In this paper, we propose a text-mining-technique based measure of firms’ dyadic busi-
ness proximity and empirically evaluate the measure’s effectiveness using a dataset
of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the U.S. high technology (high-tech) industry.
In particular, we examine the matching of companies in M&As by building statistical
models that relate the likelihood of M&A between two firms to their business proxim-
ity and other characteristics.
The basic idea underlying our model is straightforward: A pair of firms that are
“close” in various dimensions are more likely to be part of an M&A transaction than
two that are distant. Prior research in the management, finance, and economics liter-
ature has suggested different categories of explanations why firms engage in M&A
transactions: value creation, managerial self-interest (value destruction), environ-
ment factors, and firm characteristics [see Haleblian et al., 2009]. Those different
antecedents have been a great inspiration for building the firm proximity measures
included in our empirical model. Yet our study is not intended to argue for one partic-
ular antecedent of M&A against another, but rather, we attempt to comprehensively
document the empirical evidence on the relationship between M&A likelihood and firm
Following the literature, we posit that geographic vicinity, social linkage, common
ownership, and business similarity are associated with the likelihood of two high-
tech firms’ matching in an M&A transaction, and we construct four quantities that
measure firms’ dyadic proximity in these dimensions. Among the four, the most chal-
lenging has been the operationalization of business proximity, which measures firms’
relatedness in the spaces of product, market, and technology. A few prior studies in
the strategic management literature have used or developed measures that serve the
same or closely related purposes. Indeed, many of them adopted the same term “busi-
ness proximity. The most common operationalization has been a binary variable that
indicates common industry membership. With this definition, two firms’ businesses
are operationalized to be either identical or completely different. Stuart [1998], Mow-
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
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ery et al. [1998], and others constructed a “technological overlap” measure based on the
firms’ patent holdings. The closeness of a pair of firms was assumed to be proportional
to the number of common antecedent patents cited. While this is an elegant measure
in the technology space, it requires complete data on companies’ patent portfolios and
does not explicitly cover the product and market spaces. Mitsuhashi and Greve [2009]
focused on the market space and applied Jaccard distance on predefined geographic
regions in measuring “market complementarity. A refined extension of the common
industry membership definition is to use some industry classification codes in more
detail. For example, in Wang and Zajac [2007], how similar two firms’ businesses are
was determined by the number of common consecutive digits in their industry clas-
sification codes under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
Since they used the first four digits in NAICS, the similarity quantity is one of five
possible values: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, or 1.00. The Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) codes have been similarly used by scholars in the selection of “industry rivals”
[Betton et al. 2008].
In this paper, we propose a measure that can provide finer granularity in the busi-
ness dimension. Using a text mining technique called topic modeling [Blei et al. 2003,
Griffiths and Steyvers 2004], we analyze the unstructured texts that describe the com-
panies’ businesses. Our automatic system, the core of which is a Latent Dirichlet Al-
location (LDA) algorithm, represents each company’s textual description as a proba-
bilistic distribution over a set of underlying topics, which we interpret as aspects of its
businesses. Then, our business proximity can be naturally constructed by comparing a
pair of firms’ topic distributions. We argue that this business proximity is another step
forward in measuring the closeness of companies in the arenas of product, market, and
intellectual property, all of which are difficult to quantify otherwise [Baum et al. 2010].
To empirically evaluate the effectiveness of our new business proximity measure as
well as to compare it with the geographic, social, and investor proximity measures
in explaining M&As, we adopt a class of statistical network models called Exponen-
tial Random Graph Models (ERGMs). This modeling framework allows us to examine,
among all pairs of companies, which subset of them would likely engage in M&A trans-
actions, based on factors including but not limited to both the company-specific (nodal)
characteristics and the pairwise (dyadic) relationships. The critical reason why we
choose ERGMs over the conventional binary outcome econometric models such as lo-
gistic regression is that ERGMs relax the assumption of independence across different
transactions. This is especially important in the M&A context where independence
is clearly violated for instance, one company cannot be acquired by two different
In essence, our approach abstracts the M&As as a network companies are nodes
and transactions are edges linking the nodes, and analyzes its structure using a sta-
tistical network method. Manne [1965] viewed M&As as transactions in a “market for
corporate control.” In support of using the network approach to analyze markets, Jack-
son [2010, pg. 13] pointed out most markets “function not as centralized and anony-
mous institutions, but rather involve a variety of bilateral exchanges or contracts. In
fact, it has already been recognized in the literature that network theories and meth-
ods can be fruitfully applied to analyzing a variety of economic exchanges and mar-
kets, for example international trade, strategic alliance, and inter-bank loans [Easley
and Kleinberg 2010]. However, much more effort from this stream of management lit-
erature has been paid to studying the effects of network structure than studying the
network structure itself. Thus our work contributes to this under-explored area. To our
knowledge, we are the first to apply ERGMs in analyzing M&As, or networks defined
by economic transactions in general.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:3
We use a unique dataset on the U.S. high-tech industry which contains the M&A
transactions over a 5-year period from 2008 to 2012. This industry is characterized
by significant geographic clustering (at a handful of high-tech hubs), large number of
early-stage startups, rapid job mobility, high concentration of ownership at the com-
pany level, strong influence of angel and venture investors, and comparatively large
volume of M&A activities. Yet, empirical research on matching in M&As in the high-
tech industry has thus far been limited. In fact, the overall vast majority of M&A
research has focused on larger, public corporations [Haleblian et al. 2009]. This un-
balanced research development is probably due to the lack of good quality data on
small, privately-held companies and the difficulty in empirically modeling matching.
Our study thus serves as one of the first attempts in the M&A literature to systemati-
cally document the empirical evidence of matching in M&As in the high-tech industry.
We find that our business proximity measure is positively associated with the match-
ing likelihood and the evidence on its statistical significance is the strongest compared
with proximity measured in the other dimensions. Interestingly in our dataset, geo-
graphic proximity appears to be insignificant in identifying the high-tech firms’ match-
ing in M&As.
Our paper also contributes to the rapidly growing stream of literature that leverages
data science techniques in examining huge datasets for econometric modeling and/or
business analytics [Choi and Varian 2012, Einav and Levin 2013, Ghose et al. 2012].
Recent years have seen a tremendous growth in the U.S. high-tech industry. One of
the defining phenomena of this expansion period is an “entrepreneurial boom” char-
acterized by the explosion of digital startups.
Along with this boom, not surprisingly,
the media is often full of reports about high-profile M&As involving startups. It is
well known that M&As are an important alternative to IPOs as an exit option for
high-tech entrepreneurs and early investors. Meanwhile, industry giants spend tens
of billions of dollars each year in acquiring smaller firms for market entrance, strate-
gic intellectual property (as an alternative to internal R&D), and talented employees.
Venture capitalists also arrange mergers between their partially owned startups in or-
der to consolidate resources and reduce competitive pressure.
The fierce competitions
in both demand and supply instantaneously create the question of matching between
an acquirer and a potential target in the M&A market, as the value (or disvalue) of
an M&A critically depends on the synergy of their businesses and competitive strat-
egy. A related problem is the search for targets. While almost everyone knows who
the top competitors are in an industry, finding the small companies with innovative
products or technology is very difficult and time consuming. We believe data analytics
can contribute to alleviating some of problems in matching and search. It is reported
that many of the M&A players have already been investing heavily in their analytic
capacity and capability for identifying the win-win matches by rendering the decision-
making processes more “data-analytics-driven”.
Along these lines, our work reveals
the great potential of extracting economically meaningful knowledge from unstruc-
tured public data for industry analysis. The network approach employed in the paper
also sheds light on the possibility and value of building a “social network for ventures,
i.e., a two-sided platform that facilitates the identification of M&A targets and makes
M&A transactions less opaque.
See A Cambrian Moment, The Economist, January 18, 2014.
See “Internet Mergers and Takeovers: Platforms upon Platforms, The Economist, May 25, 2013.
An example is the acquisition of Summize by Twitter in 2008. See “Finding A Perfect Match, Twitter Blog,
https://blog.twitter.com/2008/finding-perfect-match and Nick Bilton’s 2013 book Hatching Twitter: A
True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal.
See “Google Ventures Stresses Science of Deal, Not Art of the Deal, New York Times, June 23, 2013.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
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Our dataset was collected from CrunchBase
in April 2013. Regarded as the Wikipedia
of the venture industry, CrunchBase is an open and free database of high-tech compa-
nies, people, and investors that provides a comprehensive view of the “startup world.”
The database automatically retrieves high-tech related information from various news
sources such as allthingsd.com, techcrunch.com, and businessinsider.com. In addi-
tion, anyone can contribute to CrunchBase in a crowdsourcing manner. For quality
assurance, each update is reviewed by moderators. Existing data is also constantly
reviewed by editors.
We limit our dataset to U.S. based companies and we further exclude those for
which some basic information is missing, for example a textual description. The fi-
nal dataset contains 25, 692 companies. For each company, we observe its headquarter
location, industry sector (CrunchBase-defined category), (co)founders, board members,
key employees, angel and venture investors that participated in each of its funding
rounds, acquisitions, and a textual description of its businesses. The unstructured tex-
tual description is mostly not very long, comprising one or more paragraphs on the
key facts about the company’s products, markets, and technologies. Confirming the
common knowledge about the high-tech industry, we observe considerable geographic
clustering. Figure 1 (a) visualizes the spatial distribution of the companies using the
headquarter location data aggregated at the city level. The circles are centered at the
cities and their radius is proportional to the number of companies. The major high-
tech hub cities include New York City (8.08% of the companies), San Francisco (7.92%),
Los Angeles (2.17%), Chicago (2.10%), Seattle (1.93%), Austin (1.84%), and Palo Alto
(1.81%). At the state level, California leads with 34.72% of the companies, followed by
New York (11.99%), Massachusetts (5.89%), Texas (5.20%), Florida (4.12%), and Wash-
ington (3.62%). We also observe an uneven distribution of companies across the 19
industry sectors (CrunchBase-defined categories). The leading sectors are “software”
(19.23%) and “web” (17.13%), and the trailing sectors are “semiconductor” (1.00%) and
“legal” (0.73%).
We restrict our dataset to include M&A transactions that happened in a 5-year pe-
riod from 2008 to 2012. We focus on post-2008 transactions because CrunchBase was
launched in late 2007 so the pre-2008 transactions were added in a retrospective man-
ner and are more likely to be incomplete; our data collection was carried out in April
2013 so we set the end time to be the end of the previous year.
Overall M&As are rare
events we observe a total of 1, 243 transactions. Figure 1 (b) geo-maps each of these
transactions using the headquarter locations of involved companies. Slightly less than
2/3 (62.59%) of the deals is cross-state. A numerically similar portion of transactions
(63.56%) is cross-sector. The distribution of the number of transactions per company
is also highly skewed a small number of companies claim a large proportion of the
transactions. 735 companies (2.86% of the total companies) have made at least one ac-
quisition. Top 10 buyers have made 178 deals, which is 14.32% of the total M&A deals,
and top 20 contributed 21.23% of the total deals. Table V in the appendix shows the
exact distribution of the number of M&A transactions per company.
In this section, we develop the firm proximity measures. In subsection 3.1 we describe
the analytic procedure of creating a business proximity measure based on the unstruc-
Hence we exclude companies that were acquired before January 1, 2008 and companies that were founded
after December 31, 2012.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:5
(a) Companies
(b) Transactions
Fig. 1: Geo-mapping Company Locations and Transactions
tured company description data. In subsection 3.2, we discuss other firm proximity
measures in the dimensions of geography, social linkage, and investment relationships.
3.1. Business Proximity
We define business proximity as a comprehensive measure of firms’ closeness in the
spaces of products, markets, and technologies. As discussed in the introduction, ex-
isting operationalizations used in the management, finance, and economics literature
have shortcomings in classification granularity, comprehensiveness, and scalability.
Thus, our goal is to overcome limitations in these respects. Our requirement on input
data is also minimal, i.e., an unstructured textual description on each firm’s business.
This information is much more likely to be available than structured information such
as NAICS/SIC code or patent portfolio is, especially for high-tech startups.
Our approach builds upon a natural language processing technique called topic mod-
eling. Topic modeling is a statistical model to discover abstract “topics” from a collec-
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
A:6 Z. Shi et al.
tion of documents. It is an unsupervised learning model, which means the model is
automatically generated without much manual efforts in labeling each document for
training. Formally, given a collection of documents, a topic model (i) discovers different
topics, where each topic consists of relevant keywords, and (ii) identifies the mixture of
topics in each document. The basic idea is that a specific document covers a small num-
ber of topics and the words appearing in that document are the realizations of those
topics. Thus we can discover hidden topics by observing many documents. Implemen-
tations of topic modeling algorithms include Latent Semantic Analysis [Deerwester
et al. 1990], Latent Dirichlet Allocation [Blei et al. 2003], and Hierarchical Dirichlet
Process [Teh et al. 2006]. Among them, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a rep-
resentative topic modeling algorithm. It has successfully applied to classify various
documents including pictures, scientific articles, social network data, and survey data
[see Blei 2012].
We construct our business proximity measure by applying the LDA topic modeling
algorithm to the textual descriptions of firm business. Each description is a document.
The algorithm produces K topics (K is specified by the researcher), where each topic
is represented by a set of relevant words. In addition, LDA also outputs topic distri-
butions for the descriptions. Specifically, for each business description, a probability
value is assigned to each discovered topic and the values sum up to 1.0. Essentially,
through topic modeling, each company i is represented by a topic distribution T
Finally, we define the business proximity p
(i, j) between two companies i and j as
the cosine similarity
of the two corresponding topic distributions T
and T
, which can
be written as follows:
(i, j) =
· T
where T
is the k-th topic probability for company i, k {1, 2, . . . , K}, and K is the
total number of topics. The resulting proximity values range between 0 and 1, where a
smaller value indicates closer proximity between the pair of companies.
We apply the proposed method to our dataset. We specify K to be 50. To illustrate
that the topic modeling results comprehensively capture multiple dimensions of a
firm’s business, in Table I we list 10 topics that LDA produces from our dataset. The
full 50-topic list is shown in Table VI in the appendix. We have checked all 50 topics
to find that each topic consists of keywords that are tighly related to each other, while
cross-topic overlaps are very small. We also observe that the topics capture the current
trends in the high-tech industry.
3.2. Other Proximity Measures
3.2.1. Geographic Proximity. Geographic or spatial proximity refers to the closeness of
physical locations and it has been shown to have a moderating effect in a diversity of
financial transactions, such as mutual fund investments [Coval and Moskowitz 1999],
stock tradings [Grinblatt and Keloharju 2001], bank loans [Degreyse and Ongena
2005], and venture capital financing [Sorenson and Stuart 2001]. In the M&A domain,
Erel et al. [2012] analyzed cross-border mergers to show that, among other factors, ge-
ographic proximity increases the likelihood of mergers between two countries. At the
firm level, Chakrabarti and Mitchell [2013] found that chemical manufacturers pre-
Cosine similarity is one measure of similarity between two distributions. We can apply other similarity
measures such as normalized Euclidean distance. We can also view each topic distribution as a set, and
then use set comparison metrics such as Jaccard index and Dice’s coefficient.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:7
Table I: Top Words
Topic Dimension Top 5 Words
1 Product video,music,digital,entertainment,artists
2 Product news,site,blog,articles,publishing
3 Product job,jobs,search,employers,career
4 Product people,community,members,share,friends
30 Technology/Product phone,email,text,voice,messaging
31 Technology/Product wireless,networks,communications,internet,providers
32 Technology/Product cloud,storage,hosting,server,servers
33 Technology/Product app,apps,iphone,android,applications
38 Market sales,customer,lead,email,leads
39 Market solution,cost,costs,applications,enterprise
fer spatially proximate acquisition targets. The main reasoning behind these findings
is that information propagation is subject to spatial distance; geographic proximity
brings a higher level of knowledge exchange and hence a lower level of information
asymmetry. For the same reason, we predict that geographic proximity is positively
associated with the M&A likelihood.
We operationalize geographic proximity by measuring the great circle distance
tween two companies’ headquarters. First, we translate the street address of each
company’s headquarter into its latitude (ϕ) and longitude (λ) coordinates using Google
Maps API.
For companies whose full street address is missing, we use the city center
as an approximate. Next, we use the latitude and longitude coordinates to calculate
the great-circle distance. Specifically, let (ϕ
, λ
) and (ϕ
, λ
) be the pairs of coordinates
of two companies i and j, and λ be the absolute difference in longitudes. Then the
geographic proximity p
(i, j) between companies i and j is defined as
(i, j) = R arccos(sin ϕ
sin ϕ
+ cos ϕ
cos ϕ
cos λ), (2)
where the constant R is the sphere radius of the earth. The negative sign is to convert
distance to proximity.
3.2.2. Social Proximity. Social proximity of two firms is defined based on the social
linkage between the individuals associated with the two firms. Personal linkage is
an important factor in coordinating transactions and promoting private information
exchange between business entities through mutual trust and kinship [Hochberg et
al. 2007, Cohen et al. 2008, Stuart and Yim 2010]. We believe two factors about the
high-tech industry greatly contribute to the importance of personal linkage’s role in
transmitting vital information across companies. First, the high-tech industry, espe-
cially the startup sphere of it, is characterized by job mobility, which creates the paths
and opportunities for private information flow. Second, in the high-tech industry, early-
stage digital startups are mostly very small in size, and thus information about them is
often scarce outside the insiders’ social circles. Moreover, many startups intentionally
stay in a stealth mode before their products and technologies mature. To this end, we
argue that companies with closer social proximity are likely to be aware of each other’s
products and intellectual property, which would lead to a higher M&A probability.
We operationalize social proximity by using the “people” part of our dataset. For each
company, we observe the individuals who are or have previously been affiliated with it
either as a (co)founder, or as a board member, or as an employee. Let S
denote this set
of individuals for company i. Then we define the social proximity p
(i, j) between two
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle distance
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
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companies i and j as
(i, j) = |S
|, (3)
i.e., the number of people who are identified having experiences in both companies.
3.2.3. Investor Proximity. Investment proximity is defined based on the common angel
and venture investors who have founded the firms. In the high-tech industry, startups
depend on external investments to support product development before they establish
a stable cash flow. Compared with other types of investors, angel and venture investors
often play a more active role in management and can be highly influential on strategic
decisions [Amit et al. 1990, Gompers 1995]. Hence, common early investors of two high-
tech companies form the critical information bridge between them, which we predict
leads a higher likelihood of M&A.
Our operationalization of investor proximity is methodologically similar to that of
social proximity. Given two companies i and j, their investor proximity p
(i, j) is de-
fined as
(i, j) = |I
|, (4)
where I
and I
are the sets of investors who have funded companies i and j in any of
the funding rounds respectively.
3.3. Analysis on Proximity Measures
In this subsection, we explore how the four proximity measures are realized in our
CrunchBase dataset. Specifically, for each of the four proximity measures, we com-
pare its different distributions in two groups of company pairs: (1) the group of M&A-
matched company pairs and (2) a group of randomly-selected pairs.
Figure 2 shows the empirical cumulative distribution functions of the four proximity
measures. For the (b) geographic dimension, we intentionally plot the distance rather
than the proximity for intuitiveness. Also note that the business and geographic prox-
imity values are continuous, while the other two are discrete. In each subfigure, the
red line represents the distribution for the group of company pairs defined by M&A
transactions and the green line shows that of random pairs.
For each proximity measure, we observe a clear distinction between the two lines,
suggesting the existence of dependency between the proximity measures and M&A
transactions. In the business dimension, the average proximity of M&A pairs is 0.37,
5.4 times larger than that of random pairs. In the geographic dimension, an M&A pair
is on average 1, 626 km apart from each other, which is 518 km smaller than the mean
distance between a random pair. In the social dimension, a company pair linked by
M&A has 0.22 common people on average, while a random pair on average has no in-
tersection. Finally, in the investor dimension, there are 0.06 common investors between
an M&A pair on average, which is 4.51 times higher than that of two randomly-paired
We evaluate our new business proximity measure through an empirical analysis in
this section. In particular, we seek to document the relationship between the likelihood
of a pair of firms’ matching in an M&A transaction and their individual and pairwise
characteristics, among which the newly developed business proximity is of our primary
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:9
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Business Proximity [0,1]
M&A pairs
(a) Business
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Geographic Distance (km)
M&A pairs
(b) Geographic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Social Proximity (count)
M&A pairs
(c) Social
0 1 2 3 4 5
Investor Proximity (count)
M&A pairs
(d) Investor
Fig. 2: Distributions of Proximity: M&A Sample v.s. Random Sample
4.1. Model
Using statistical terminology, the matching of a pair of firms is a binary outcome: Ei-
ther they are part of an M&A transaction or they are not. However, the conventional
binary response econometric models (e.g., logistic regression) are inappropriate in the
present study due to the relational nature of the data. For example, an M&A transac-
tion between firms i and j and an M&A transaction between i and k (which would be
two observations in a logistic regression) are correlated since they involve a common
party, i.e. firm i. Hence, the key assumption of independent observations, which under-
lies the binary response econometric models, is clearly violated. So instead of treating
the M&A transactions as independent observations, we model all of them together as
a network.
Exponential random graph models (ERGMs), a.k.a. p
models, have been developed
in statistical network analysis over the past three decades [Holland and Leinhardt
1981; Frank and Strauss 1986; Wasserman and Pattison 1996] and recently become
perhaps the most important and popular class of statistical models of network struc-
ture [see Goldenberg et al. 2010]. As far as we are aware, this modeling framework has
not been widely used in the management literature thus far, so we briefly introduce
it here. We also provide a list of important notations used in this and the following
sections in Table VII in the appendix for easy reference.
A network is a way to represent relational data in the form of a mathematical
A graph consists of a set of nodes and a set of edges, where an edge is a directed or
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
A:10 Z. Shi et al.
undirected link between a pair of nodes. A network of n nodes can also be mathemati-
cally represented by an n × n adjacency matrix Y , where each element Y
can be zero
or one, with one indicating the existence of the i-j edge and zero meaning otherwise.
Self-edges are disallowed so Y
= 0 i. If edges are undirected (i.e., the i-j edge is not
distinguished from the j-i edge), then Y
= Y
i, j (i.e., Y is a symmetric matrix).
In applications, the nodes in a network are used to represent economic or social
entities, and the edges are used to represent certain relations between the entities. In
this current research, the nodes and the edges are high-tech companies and the M&A
transactions between them respectively, and they together form an M&A network. In
terms of the adjacency-matrix representation, we define
1, if i and j are part of an M&A transaction,
0, otherwise.
With this definition, the resultant M&A network is undirected.
ERGMs treat network graph, or equivalently adjacency matrix Y , as a random out-
come. For a network of n nodes, the set of all possible graphs (denoted Y) is finite.
The observed network is one realization of the underlying random graph generation
process. For some y Y, the probability of it occurring is assumed to be
P(Y = y) =
(y)}, (5)
where z
(y), k = 1, 2, . . . , K, are K network statistics, the θ
’s are parameters, and the
denominator Ψ is a normalizing constant.
The z
(y) terms capture certain proper-
ties of the network and are assumed to affect the likelihood of its occurring. They are
analogous to the independent variables in a regression model. One common example of
network statistics is the total number of edges in the network (or a constant multiple
of it). z
(y) can be a function of not only the network graph y, but also other exogenous
covariates on the nodes. For example, suppose we have a categorical variable on the
nodes. Then one such statistic is the number of edges where the two ending nodes be-
long to the same category. To interpret the parameters θ
, we can rewrite equation (5)
in terms of log-odds of the conditional probability:
= 1|Y
)) =
, (6)
where Y
is all but the ij element in the adjacency matrix. Therefore, the interpre-
tation of θ
is: If forming the i-j edge increases z
by 1 and the other statistics stay
constant, then the log-odds of it forming is θ
12 13
Alternatively, we could define a directed “acquisition network” where the edges are asymmetric. That is,
we could distinguish the acquirer and the acquired. For our purpose of assessing the business proximity
measure, the distinction is not very important since business proximity is symmetric (and it is also true for
the other three proximity measures). In addition, our assumption of undirected M&A network reduces the
time needed for computation when we perform the estimations.
P(Y = y) = 1, so Ψ =
It is noteworthy that if the z
’s do not depend on Y
i, j, then the edges are independent of each
other, and hence the ERGM model reduces to a standard logistic regression where each edge is considered
an independent observation.
The above summarizes the basic formulation of ERGMs. Despite its relatively straightforward interpre-
tation and analytic convenience, applications had been limited until just a few years ago due to significant
computational burdens. The difficulty lies in evaluating the normalizing constant in the equation (5), which
involves a sum over a very large sample space even for a moderate n. It is not hard to see that the number
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:11
4.2. Specification
Our ERGM specification includes the statistics (z
’s) for degree distribution, selective
mixing, and proximity. We iterate them and explain their interpretations in the M&A
context in the following paragraphs. In the discussion, we translate the generic terms
nodes and edges into the more specific terms firms and transactions.
The degree distribution statistics include: t, the total number of M&A transactions,
and d
, the number of firms that each are a party of at least two different transac-
tions. t measures the density of transactions in the M&A network and its coefficient
serves a similar role as the constant term in a regression model. In fact, equation (6)
implies that the coefficient of t is the log-odds of transaction happening if t were the
only statistic in the equation. Given the sparsity of the M&A network, we expect t’s
coefficient to be negative. The reason why we also include the d
statistic is because
it has been demonstrated in the prior research that firms with different relational ca-
pabilities [Lorenzoni and Lipparini 1999] participate in significantly different levels of
M&A activities. Wang and Zajac [2007] specifically showed that an acquisition is more
likely to occur if any of the two parties have prior acquisition experiences. Moreover,
we have found in the exploratory data analysis in Section 2 that the number of M&A
transactions in which a firm is a party follows the power-law distribution. Hence we
predict a transaction where either of the two parties has previously engaged in M&A
transactions should have a different likelihood than the case where neither has. The
statistic captures exactly this effect and we expect its coefficient to be positive.
Selective mixing captures the matching of firms based on the combination of their
nodal-level characteristics. In other words, these characteristics are first defined at
the individual firm level, and then combined to the pair level and lastly aggregated
to the corresponding network statistics. In the network analysis literature, one widely
adopted form of selective mixing is assortative mixing: Social and economic entities
tend to form relationships with others that are “similar,” a.k.a. “homophily” in soci-
ology. We include two groups of statistics that reflect an analogous kind of selective
mixing in M&As and they are constructed based on two categorical covariates we have
on the firms, i.e., state and industry sector. We expect a pair of firms belonging to the
same category are more likely to match than otherwise. Specifically, statistic h
the number of transactions between two firms whose headquarters are both located in
state s, where s is one of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia; h
is the number
of transactions between two firms that belong to the same industry sector c, where c is
any of the 19 sectors described in the data section. We also want to point out that these
two groups of statistics can serve as alternative operationalizations of geographic and
business proximity respectively [Audretsch and Feldman 1996].
Lastly, the statistics of our most interest are the four proximity measures that cap-
ture the matching process based on dyadic-level characteristics. They each equal to
the sum of the corresponding characteristic values over all transactions. We use p
, p
, and p
to denote the sums of geographic proximity, social proximity, investor prox-
imity, and business proximity respectively. The rationale of including them has been
discussed the in Section 3.
of possible graphs is 2
if the network is directed, and the number of possible graphs is 2
the network is undirected. Recent advances in computing capability and Monte Carlo estimation techniques
[Snijders 2002, Handcock et al. 2008 among others] have made possible the significant growth of ERGMs
applications in academic fields such as sociology and demography.
Further, the presence of this statistic introduces dyadic dependence into our model, thereby rendering
standard logistic regression inappropriate.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
A:12 Z. Shi et al.
Table II: Degree Distribution Coefficients (100 Samples)
Number of Number of Number of Median
Samples with Samples with Samples with Coefficient
Coefficient Expected Sign p-value Value
< 1.0%
edges 96 96(< 0) 93 -14.46
degree> 2 96 95(> 0) 67 1.67
To sum up, our model specification can be written:
P(Y = y) =
}, (7)
and the corresponding conditional form is
= 1|Y
t + θ
+ θ
+ θ
+ θ
+ θ
+ θ
= s
= s) +
= c
= c)
+ θ
+ θ
+ θ
+ θ
where I(·) is an indicator function, and for instance, I(s
= s
= s) means company i
and j are in the same state s and I(c
= c
= c) means i and j belong to the same sector
4.3. Results
The final dataset contains a total of 25,692 companies. This seemingly moderate num-
ber of nodes is actually huge for estimating network models since the number of po-
tential edges, in our case un-ordered pairs, exceeds 330 million. Given our current
computational capacity, we cannot handle the whole dataset in one estimation proce-
dure. To carry out the analysis, we decide to randomly select 25% of the whole dataset
for estimation and repeatedly do so for 100 times. For each of the 100 different sam-
ples (of approximately 6,400 companies each), we estimate the model coefficients by
following the Markov Chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation procedure
outlined in Hunter and Handcock [2006].
We summarize the resultant 100 set of coefficients for the degree distribution, se-
lective mixing, and proximity statistics in Tables II, III, and IV respectively. For each
statistic, we report out of the 100 samples the number of samples that yield a coef-
the number of samples that yield a coefficient with the expected sign, and
the number(s) of samples that yield a coefficient that has the expected sign and is
statistically significant at one or more selected confidence level(s). Also, to provide an
example, we report the full estimation result for one particular sample in Table VIII.
Table II reports the coefficients of the degree distribution statistics. Among the sam-
ples that produce estimates (96 out of 100), all the θ
coefficients (96 out of 96) are
negative and all except one θ
coefficients (95 out of 96) are positive. At the 99.0%
confidence level, 93 out of the 96 negative θ
estimates are significant and 67 out of the
95 positive θ
estimates are significant. Hence the results for the two degree distribu-
tion statistics are both consistent with our expectations. As discussed, the negativity
We report no coefficient for a sample when the estimation algorithm fails to converge.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:13
Table III: Selective Mixing Coefficients (100 Samples)
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples
with Coefficient p-value Coefficient Coefficient p-value
Coefficients > 0 < 1.0% > 0 < 1.0%
AK 0 - - MT 4 3 2
AL 8 8 2 NC 6 6 1
AR 0 - - ND 0 - -
AZ 9 9 5 NE 0 - -
CA 100 90 17 NH 0 - -
CO 26 26 9 NJ 45 44 15
CT 8 8 4 NM 0 - -
DC 15 15 7 NV 0 - -
DE 0 - - NY 90 72 5
FL 16 16 3 OH 16 16 5
GA 20 19 8 OK 0 - -
HI 0 - - OR 0 - -
IA 4 4 1 PA 16 15 4
ID 0 - - RI 0 - -
IL 15 15 3 SC 3 3 2
IN 0 - - SD 0 - -
KS 0 - - TN 0 - -
KY 10 10 4 TX 64 61 11
LA 0 - - UT 20 20 10
MA 74 70 10 VA 32 32 10
MD 0 - - VT 7 7 3
ME 7 7 2 WA 57 54 10
MI 8 8 5 WI 0 - -
MN 15 15 4 WV 0 - -
MO 0 - - WY 0 - -
MS 0 - -
(a) State
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples
with Coefficient p-value Coefficient Coefficient p-value
Coefficient > 0 < 1.0% > 0 < 1.0%
advertising 69 59 7 mobile 43 40 1
biotech 95 78 12 net hosting 54 53 19
cleantech 13 13 0 other 44 38 1
consulting 13 12 0 pub rel 16 16 0
ecommerce 66 62 11 search 5 5 2
education 0 - - security 37 37 15
enterprise 71 70 13 semiconductor 47 44 5
games video 75 71 12 software 100 96 47
hardware 23 23 3 web 100 89 15
legal 0 - -
(b) Category
Table IV: Proximity Coefficients (100 Samples)
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples with Samples with Samples with Samples with Samples with
Coefficient Coefficient p-value p-value p-value
> 0 < 5.0% < 1.0% < 0.1%
Geographic 96 49 6 1 0
Social 96 95 69 57 45
Investor 95 73 39 35 30
Business 96 96 94 93 92
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
A:14 Z. Shi et al.
of θ
only indicates the overall small probability of an M&A transaction occurring; the
positive sign of θ
means that an M&A transaction of which firms with some M&A
experience are involved is more likely to occur.
In both parts (a) (b) of Table III, we observe that for almost all the selective mixing
statistics, an overwhelmingly large proportion of the coefficient estimates are positive,
but it turns out their statistical significance, when using the 99.0% confidence level,
is not strongly supported. One possible explanation of their statistical insignificance
is the inclusion of our geographic and business proximity measures. As mentioned,
the selective mixing statistics based on state and industry sector can also be thought
of as alternative, but coarser operationalizations of geographic and business proxim-
ities respectively. Therefore, when including both the selective mixing statistics and
our proximity measures in the ERGM specification, the effects of the selective mixing
statistics are superceded by the effects of the more refined proximity measures, caus-
ing the model to produce insignificant coefficients for the selective mixing statistics.
To test the validity of this explanation, we also estimate anther ERGM specification,
which excludes all four proximity measures and for which we report the corresponding
results for the selective mixing coefficients in Table IX in the appendix. Comparing
the last columns of Table III and Table IX, we find that when using the specification
without proximity measures, a much higher proportion of the samples produce sta-
tistically significant (at the 1.0% significance level) estimates for the selective mixing
coefficients. This is thus a supporting evidence for the superiority of the proximity
measures we use: They are correlated with the alternative, coarser measures, but sta-
tistically more powerful in explaining the matching in M&As.
In Table IV we report the estimation results for the four proximity measures. First
and foremost, the prediction that our business proximity measure is positively associ-
ated with the matching likelihood is strongly confirmed: 96 out of the 96 samples pro-
duce a positive coefficient and among them 92 estimates are significant at the 99.9%
confidence level. Further, when comparing the proximity measures across the rows, we
observe: The percentage of samples that yield the predicted positive coefficients ranges
from 51.04% for θ
(geographic) to 100.00% for θ
(business); at the 95.0% confidence
level, the percentages of samples that yield significantly positive coefficients are 9.38%
for θ
(geographic), 41.05% for θ
(investor), 71.88% for θ
(social), and 97.92% for θ
(business); at the 99.0% confidence level, the percentages of samples that generate sta-
tistically significantly positive coefficients are 1.04% for θ
(geographic), 36.84% for θ
(investor), 59.38% for θ
(social), and 96.88% for θ
(business); at the 99.9% confidence
level, the percentages of samples that generate statistically significantly positive coef-
ficients are 0.00% for θ
(geographic), 31.58% for θ
(investor), 46.88% for θ
and 95.83% for θ
(business). These results show that three among the four proxim-
ity measures (except θ
geographic) are positively associated with the likelihood of
matching in M&As. In particular, our newly developed business proximity measure
also outperforms the other three measures in terms of statistical significance.
It is also noteworthy in Table IV that the geographic proximity turns out to play a
less significant role in identifying high-tech firms’ matching in M&As. And this result
does not seem to be caused by the simultaneous inclusion of the other three proximity
measures because the weak significance of the geographic proximity is retained in an
exercise, reported in Table X in the appendix, where we use each of the four proximity
measures in four separate specifications (the degree distribution statistics and the se-
lective mixing statistics are kept the same as in the main model). This is an interesting
result that appears in contrast to the recent study in Chakrabarti and Mitchell [2013],
who found a significant preference for geographically close targets in the acquisitions
by U.S. chemical manufacturers. The different findings can probably be attributed to
(1) the industry difference between high-tech and chemical (the varied costs for consol-
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity A:15
idating and integrating resources over long physical distance), and (2) the time-period
difference between 1980-2003 (Chakrabarti and Mitchell 2013) and 2008-2012 (the
present study). It can be an interesting future research topic to investigate how the
role of geographic distance in M&As differs across industries and time.
In this study we set out with the task of developing a new, more refined measure of
firms’ dyadic proximity in the business dimension. Through an example that uses a
unique dataset of the U.S. high-tech industry, we detailed the process of topic mod-
eling on the textual descriptions of the companies’ businesses and constructing our
proximity measure according to the output. We then empirically evaluated the mea-
sure’s effectiveness in the context of modeling matching in M&As. In doing so, we also
comprehensively documented the evidence on the relationship between the matching
likelihood and high-tech firms’ geographic, social, investor, and business proximities,
all of which have been suggested crucial for M&As in the literature. The results demon-
strated that the business proximity, as quantified by the proposed measure, is strongly
associated with the matching likelihood.
We believe this research contributes to the literature in at least three very important
ways with implications for both understanding and practice. First, measuring firms’
relatedness in business is very important for managers to identify potential partners,
competitors, and alliance or acquisition targets. However, as far as we are aware, it had
not been shown that the measurement can be done in an automatic, “analytics-driven”
way and at the same time provides very fine granularity. The saying in management
goes, “if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. As shown in the paper, the new
proximity measure we developed provides finer granularity in quantifying a pair of
firms’ relatedness in spaces such as product, market, and technology. In addition, the
measure integrates the natural language processing technique of topic modeling into
the operationalization of an important economic/business concept. Thus it responds to
a call in the literature for incorporating machine learning techniques into the devel-
opment of novel measurements (Einav and Levin 2013). More generally, this research
also joins the growing stream of management literature that leverages data science in
analyzing large volume of data for business analytics.
Second, the study furthers our knowledge about M&As by comprehensively docu-
menting the empirical evidence on the relationship between the likelihood of match-
ing and firm proximity measured in a variety of different dimensions. Moreover, our
dataset on the U.S. high tech industry contains a large proportion of early-stage, pri-
vate companies, which previously have not been the focus of M&A research. Thus the
present study contributes to this under-explored research area. Also, the prediction
that geographic proximity is important in identifying M&A targets is intriguingly not
supported by our analysis, which perhaps may draw management and finance scholars
to further investigate the role of geographic distance in today’s business environment.
Lastly, when evaluating our business proximity measure in studying firms’ matching
in M&As, we adopt the statistical modeling framework of ERGMs to accommodate the
relational nature of our data. Whereas the management literature is abundant with
studies on how networks affect the interaction and performance of organizations, using
rigorous statistical methods to analyze the structure of inter-organizational networks
is underdeveloped. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first that applies
ERGMs in the analysis of M&As, or more broadly, it is the first that uses a statistical
network model to analyze relational transactions among organizations. We believe sta-
tistical network models are currently underutilized by management scholars in their
empirical research on inter-organizational linkage despite the fact that relational data
is actually not uncommon in the studies of many very important research questions.
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
A:16 Z. Shi et al.
For example, strategic alliances, investments, and patent license agreements among
companies can all be visualized and careful analyzed as graphs or networks. We pre-
dict that with the growing availability of data and the development of computing power
and techniques, statistical network models’ value in management research will be in-
creasingly recognized.
Our research is not without its limitations. First, owing to the data limit, we could
not empirically compare our business proximity measure with the measure based on
industry classification [Wang and Zajac 2007] or the measure based on patent portfo-
lio [Stuart 1998]. Second, some important company-level characteristics, notably com-
pany age, size, and revenue, were unavailable in our dataset, which inevitably limited
our ability to extend our study. For instance, if we had observed company size, we
would be able to study the moderating effect of companies’ size on the relationship
between business proximity and the matching likelihood. Third, in performing topic
modeling on the companies’ descriptions, we used the number of topics as a fixed pa-
rameter. While choosing one fixed number of topics is sufficient for our purpose of
illustrating the process of constructing the business proximity measure, it could be
practically interesting to carefully examine how the value of the constructed measure
and its explanatory power vary with the choice of the number-of-topics parameter.
Lastly, the model we employed in the empirical analysis can be extended or modified
in a few different ways. One possibility is to use SERGMs [Chandrasekhar and Jack-
son 2013] to improve estimation efficiency. Secondly, the standard ERGM is a static
model. To deepen our understanding about the dependence structure of M&A transac-
tions, future research could examine the evolution of the M&A network by using some
dynamic network models.
The electronic appendix for this article can be accessed in the ACM Digital Library.
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EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Online Appendix to:
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity:
Topic Modeling for Analyzing M&As
ZHAN SHI, Arizona State University
GENE MOO LEE, The University of Texas at Austin
ANDREW B. WHINSTON, The University of Texas at Austin
Table V: The Distribution of Number of Transactions per Company
Number of Deals Number of Companies
0 23,775
1 1,686
2 147
3 33
4 16
5 11
6 4
7 2
8 2
9 4
10 2
11 1
14 4
15 1
18 1
21 1
24 1
33 1
YYYY ACM 0000-0000/YYYY/01-ARTA $15.00
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
App–2 Z. Shi et al.
Table VI: Top Words
Topic Dimension Top 5 Words
1 Product video,music,digital,entertainment,artists
2 Product news,site,blog,articles,publishing
3 Product job,jobs,search,employers,career
4 Product people,community,members,share,friends
5 Product facebook,friends,share,twitter,photos
6 Product energy,power,solar,systems,water
7 Product systems,design,applications,devices,semiconductor
8 Product consulting,clients,support,systems,experience
9 Product event,sports,events,fans,tickets
10 Product insurance,financial,credit,tax,mortgage
11 Product deals,shopping,consumers,local,retailers
12 Product health,care,medical,healthcare,patient
13 Product students,learning,education,college,school
14 Product food,restaurants,fitness,restaurant,pet
15 Product investment,financial,investors,capital,trading
16 Product advertising,publishers,advertisers,brands,digital
17 Product manage,project,documents,document,tools
18 Product treatment,medical,research,clinical,diseases
19 Product games,game,gaming,virtual,entertainment
20 Product security,compliance,secure,protection,access
21 Product search,engine,website,seo,optimization
22 Product search,user,engine,results,relevant
23 Product fashion,art,brands,custom,design
24 Product equipment,repair,car,home,accessories
25 Product law,legal,government,public,federal
26 Product analytics,research,analysis,intelligence,performance
27 Product travel,travelers,vacation,hotel,hotels
28 Product real,estate,home,buyers,property
29 Product payment,card,cards,credit,payments
30 Technology/Product phone,email,text,voice,messaging
31 Technology/Product wireless,networks,communications,internet,providers
32 Technology/Product cloud,storage,hosting,server,servers
33 Technology/Product app,apps,iphone,android,applications
34 Technology/Product design,applications,application,custom,website
35 Technology/Product site,website,free,allows,user
36 Technology/Product testing,test,monitoring,tracking,performance
37 Market/Technology digital,clients,brand,agency,design
38 Market sales,customer,lead,email,leads
39 Market solution,cost,costs,applications,enterprise
40 Market organizations,community,support,organization,businesses
41 Market make,people,time,just,way
42 Market quality,customer,needs,clients,provide
43 Market systems,operates,headquartered,subsidiary,serves
44 Market united,states,offices,america,europe
45 Market san,york,city,california,francisco
46 Market award,magazine,awards,best,world
47 Market million,world,leading,largest,global
48 Market/Team team,experience,industry,world,market
49 Team partners,ventures,capital,including,san
50 Team launched,million,product,ceo,acquirede
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity App–3
Table VII: Notations
Network graph
Y , Y
a random network graph matrix, its i, j element
all elements except i, j
Y the set of all possible graphs for a fixed set of nodes
y, y
a realization of the random network graph and its i, j element
(y) a statistic of network graph y
Network statistics
t total number of edges
number of nodes which have at least 2 edges
number of edges within state s
number of edges within category c
sum of geographic proximity over all edges
sum of social proximity over all edges
sum of investor proximity over all edges
sum of business proximity over all edges
Nodal characteristics
state where i’s headquarter is located
category to which i belongs
Dyadic characteristics
geographic proximity of i and j
social proximity of i and j
investor proximity of i and j
business proximity of i and j
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
App–4 Z. Shi et al.
Table VIII: Model Coefficients from Sample 1
Coeff S.E. p-value Coeff S.E. p-value
Geographic 0.0409 0.0272 0.1323 NV - - -
Social 2.0551 0.9138 0.0245 NY 0.7842 0.8714 0.3681
Investor 0.1229 0.1809 0.4971 OH 3.8046 2.3563 0.1064
Business 0.0465 0.0046 0.0000 OK - - -
Edges -17.6608 2.4243 0.0000 OR - - -
Degree> 2 1.8238 0.4169 0.0000 PA - - -
State RI - - -
AL - - - SC - - -
AR - - - SD - - -
AZ - - - TN - - -
CA 0.5776 0.4289 0.1780 TX 1.5709 1.4750 0.2869
CO - - - UT - - -
CT - - - VA - - -
DC 5.7309 7.3488 0.4355 VT - - -
DE - - - WA 0.8628 2.7314 0.7521
FL - - - WI - - -
GA - - - WV - - -
HI - - - WY - - -
IA - - - Category
ID - - - advertising 0.7676 1.3611 0.5728
IL - - - biotech 1.2036 1.0375 0.2460
IN - - - cleantech - - -
KS - - - consulting 1.2023 1.7029 0.4802
KY - - - ecommerce 2.0914 0.9799 0.0328
LA - - - education - - -
MA - - - enterprise - - -
MD - - - games video 0.8704 1.5792 0.5815
ME - - - hardware - - -
MI - - - legal - - -
MN - - - mobile - - -
MO - - - network hosting - - -
MS - - - other 0.7519 1.0248 0.4631
MT - - - public relations - - -
NC - - - search - - -
NE - - - security - - -
NH - - - semiconductor 2.6170 2.3680 0.2691
NJ - - - software 1.4763 0.4501 0.0010
NM - - - web 0.8147 0.6123 0.1834
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
Towards A Better Measure of Business Proximity App–5
Table IX: Selective Mixing Coefficients (100 Samples): One Specification Excluding All
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples
with Coefficient p-value Coefficient Coefficient p-value
Coefficients > 0 < 1.0% > 0 < 1.0%
AK 0 - - MT 4 4 2
AL 8 8 7 NC 6 6 4
AR 0 - - ND 0 - -
AZ 9 9 7 NE 0 - -
CA 100 100 81 NH 0 - -
CO 26 26 25 NJ 45 45 39
CT 8 8 8 NM 0 - -
DC 15 15 15 NV 0 - -
DE 0 - - NY 90 89 22
FL 16 16 3 OH 16 16 16
GA 20 20 18 OK 0 - -
HI 0 - - OR 0 - -
IA 4 3 1 PA 16 16 16
ID 0 - - RI 0 - -
IL 15 15 11 SC 3 3 2
IN 0 - - SD 0 - -
KS 0 - - TN 0 - -
KY 10 10 10 TX 64 64 23
LA 0 - - UT 20 20 20
MA 74 74 32 VA 32 32 32
MD 0 - - VT 7 7 2
ME 7 7 4 WA 57 57 35
MI 8 8 8 WI 0 - -
MN 15 15 13 WV 0 - -
MO 0 - - WY 0 - -
MS 0 - -
(a) State
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples
with Coefficient p-value Coefficient Coefficient p-value
Coefficient > 0 < 1.0% > 0 < 1.0%
advertising 69 69 34 mobile 43 43 11
biotech 95 95 82 net hosting 54 54 54
cleantech 13 13 13 other 44 44 3
consulting 13 12 0 pub rel 16 16 15
ecommerce 66 66 31 search 5 5 5
education 0 - - security 37 37 37
enterprise 71 71 41 semiconductor 47 47 47
games video 75 75 42 software 100 100 84
hardware 23 23 20 web 100 96 49
legal 0 - -
(b) Category
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.
App–6 Z. Shi et al.
Table X: Proximity Coefficients (100 Samples): Four Specifications Each with One
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Samples with Samples with Samples with Samples with Samples with
Coefficient Coefficient p-value p-value p-value
> 0 < 5.0% < 1.0% < 0.1%
Geographic 100 61 13 5 1
Social 100 91 87 78 71
Investor 100 95 73 65 49
Business 100 100 100 100 100
EC’14, June 8–12, 2014, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Vol. V, No. N, Article A, Publication date: January YYYY.